St. Ann's Day Tribute Page

On July 26, St. Ann's Center celebrated the feast day of our namesake, St. Ann – the Mother of Mary, and the patron of mothers and grandmothers! To celebrate, donors and supporters of St. Ann's Center have made special gifts in tribute or memorial to women, mothers, and mother figures in their lives through our matching gifts campaign. And through August 30, 2023, the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities will generously match these gifts up to $20,000.
We recognize the following donors who have dedicated St. Ann's Day gifts in tribute or memorial to the special persons listed below their names. Thank you to ALL who have participated in this first-ever campaign!
St. Ann's Day 2023 - Tribute & Memorial Gifts
Thomas L. Applin, MD
In honor of Sandra Buchanan
Mrs. Carolyn Boyle
In memory of Kerry Bader
Ms. Carol A. Bradley
In honor of Tonya Sharpe
Ms. Thomasine Butler
In memory of Letha Noble
Mr. Bruce Canham
In memory of Anne Christine Canham
Ms. Tashia Corbeil
In honor of All Mothers
Ms. Marian Costanza
In honor of the birth of my great neice, Zoe Ann McKeel; her mother, Nikki; father, Stephan; and her big sister, Ava
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Davidson
In memory of James DePiero
Mr. Mark Ernest
In honor of my mother, Patricia Leigh Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engelstad
In honor of Ann M. Engelstad, in celebration of her 101st birthday & in honor of Anne R. Driscoll, in celebration of her 99th birthday
The Hudson Family
In memory of John Hudson, an amazing man of God who passed away five years ago
Mrs. Jeanne Fennessey
In loving memory of Barbara Jean Fennessey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greca
In memory of Lucy Coppola & in memory of Robert DeSilvestri
Mr. Glenn Hewitt
In memory of Michele Heidenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hugdahl
For the repose of the souls of Dianne Hugdahl and Richard & Gloria Thill
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Klimas
In memory of Clara G. Romero
Ms. Diane M. Kolos
In memory of Cecelia Kolos
Ms. Deborah Kreipl
In memory of Joan Bader
Ms. Suzanne Li
In honor of Sister Teresa Buckley, and Don Konschnik
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marx
In honor of Raymond Caron for his birthday
Mr. Richard Montanio
In honor of Marcia, Betty and Angela G
Ms. Maureen Roult
In honor of Raymond Caron
Ms. Charlotte L. Sazama
In honor of Dorothy Schaefer
Ms. Deborah Self
In tribute to Edith Jane Cieslak. Mom, you have been a wonderful mother to all 5 of us. At 92, you are still kicking, and we want you to know we love you.
Ms. Kelli Stonework
In memory of my dear mom, Daisy Young

Join Our Roster of St. Ann's Day Supporters
Want to include your tribute or memorial gift as part of our St. Ann's Day matching gift campaign? Visit our campaign page here:
You can conveniently make your gift online at
For details on making a gift by check, please contact Ellen Toups, Manager, Annual Giving & Corporate Relations at [email protected].