Sister Nancy Welcomed in Catholic Standard Interview

Last Friday, Catholic Standard ran a wonderful story welcoming our CEO, Sister Nancy Downing, and her call to love and serve others.
Sister Nancy shares the legacy and work at St. Ann’s Center as she reflects upon her first few weeks here:
"The people here are just so loving and caring and welcoming,” Sister Nancy says in the interview. “(I feel) extremely blessed to be here, to be part of an organization that for 160 years has lifted up the most vulnerable among us.”
Sister Nancy shares memorable encounters that she has had with the resident families, including one mother who came to St. Ann’s as a teen and has since earned her associate’s degree and recently purchased her first home for herself and her child. “She did all the right things to secure a good future for herself and her child,” Sister Nancy says in the interview. “The love and support St. Ann’s provides gives moms the opportunity to take a breath, step back, and say, ‘I can do this.’ They get a chance to see themselves as we see them, as very gifted, talented, loving and caring people.”
Link to the full story by Catholic Standard: