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Make a Will Month: Where There's a Will, There's a Way!

"Of course, St. Ann’s is in my will!”

That’s what one woman exclaimed to me recently. She said she had supported St. Ann’s for years because the work is so important. “I’ve included St. Ann’s in my will so that when I don’t need my home or my IRA, I know I’ll still be doing good in the world,” she said.

After you have taken care of your family, please consider including St. Ann’s Center in your will. If you do include us, please drop me or Sister Nancy a note so that we can include you in The 1860 Alliance and personally thank you now. Try language like this:

I give to St. Ann’s Center for Children Youth and Families, EIN #53-0204626, located in Hyattsville, Maryland, ________% (or a fixed dollar amount or the residual or real property) of my estate.”

I thank you for your support of the vulnerable young mothers and children who turn to St. Ann’s Center for help—today and in the future. If you would like more information please contact me at [email protected] or 301-559-5500, extension 163.

With thanks and best wishes,


Susan Flaherty
Vice President, Development


About St. Ann's Center

St. Ann’s Center helps mothers and children overcome crisis and achieve lasting independence and stability by providing a safe and supportive home, child care, education and employment assistance, and clinical social work services within a Catholic community that welcomes all.