A New Year's Letter from Sister Mary Bader

Over the last several weeks, I have been awed by the tremendous generosity and kindness of St. Ann’s friends on behalf of our families. The children and their moms delighted in parties hosted by Santa and his elves. Donations of lots of new toys ensured that each child found just what they wanted under the tree on Christmas morning. Our mothers were also showered with gifts, and every day we have been blessed with monetary contributions to assist us in meeting the needs of those we serve.
As 2017 comes to a close, I thank you for the countless gestures of generosity and goodwill that you have extended to our families, not only during the holiday season, but throughout the year. Your support is a blessing that touches everyone at St. Ann’s.
One mother’s comment sums up the impact your kindness has had on her family. At our Christmas dinner, she approached me and said, “I almost cried the night we were given the toys and presents. I’ve never had a Christmas like this one. My son and I have never had the support we’re receiving from St. Ann’s. We have an apartment. I have a job. We now have most everything we need. Thank you so much.”
Thank you! May you and your loved ones be showered with an abundance of blessings of joy and peace in the New Year. Know that you are remembered in my prayers when I thank God for goodness and generosity of St. Ann’s friends.
Sister Mary Bader
CEO, St. Ann's Center for Children Youth & Families