From the EEP Newsletter: The Job Search/Life Balance

Every month St. Ann's Education and Employment Counselor, Justin Cartagena, writes and distributes an informative newsletter for his clients. It is always packed with useful employment tips, career advice and recommended reading.
Below is an excerpt from the June 2016 edition (Volume 2, Issue No. 6) of the Education and Employment Program (EEP) Newsletter. To read this edition in its entirety, click here.
You may not know it, but you’re on a tight rope right now. You’re balancing your job search and your life. As a mother, there are a million duties that must be completed before bedtime, and as a professional, there are countless things that need to be accomplished in order to further your career. It’s overwhelming, it’s difficult, and it’s tiring. So, how do we create a balance for ourselves?
Debra Donston-Miller at gives 5 great tips on how to deli-cately and successfully walk the balance beam of job search and life. If you would like to check out all of them, click here.
Debra starts with “Keep records, stay organized.” It may seem simple enough but just writing things down in an efficient and clear way can relieve so much stress. Just think, you won’t have to struggle to try and remember that one specific detail when all you have to do is look at your notes. It takes a large amount of pressure off your mind when you don’t have to pull things from memory.
My favorite is “Set goals.” This is essential to success. Working arbitrarily on something may start to feel tiresome; when you set goals you are actively succeeding at accomplishing a specific thing. Once you can check off and say you’ve completed your goal it acts as motivation to create a new one to strive for!
We all know that the job search is as difficult as a job itself so consider some of this advice when creating time for your life and your career. Good Luck!
This was an excerpt from the June 2016 edition of the EEP Newsletter.
Click here to learn more about Justin Cartagena’s work as St. Ann’s Education and Employment Counselor.