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Centro St. Ann

En el Centro St. Ann curamos, fortalecemos e inspiramos a mujeres y niños vulnerables.

Get Help

In FY24, 22 mothers and their children participated in St. Ann’s supportive and transitional housing programs.

Housing & Support

Learn about Grace House, Hope House, and Faith House - our three supportive and transitional housing programs for pregnant or parenting women and their children.

Child Care Center

Learn about our licensed Child Care Center, serving families from the community as well as families living at St. Ann’s.

— Paige

Give Help

Help St. Ann’s Center reach our goal of serving more women and children in our residential and child care programs.


Make a direct impact by making a one-time or recurring donation. Your generous support directly impacts families residing at St. Ann’s Center!

Get Involved

Learn how you can make a difference through donating, volunteering, attending an event, or joining one of our impact groups.

Learn More

Acerca de nosotros

El Centro St. Ann, una organización registrada 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro, se dedica a sacar de la pobreza y la indigencia a niños, madres y familias vulnerables.

Acerca de nosotros

El Centro St. Ann, una organización registrada 501(c)(3) sin fines de lucro, se dedica a sacar de la pobreza y la indigencia a niños, madres y familias vulnerables.

CEO's Corner

Trauma creates homelessness. What can Catholics do about it?

"Trauma creates homelessness. What can Catholics do about it?" As the rates of homelessness rise, it's all the more important to be aware of the realities around this injustice." Read Sister Nancy Downing's brand-new article on the connections between trauma and homelessness, published today at U.S. Catholic.

Sister Nancy's Note: You Open Doors for Families at St. Ann's Center!

The latest monthly note from Sister Nancy Downing, CEO: "Pregnancy can be a scary time, especially when you are still in high school. This is why I am so grateful to you, for providing the nurturing environment where Kayla can find warmth and support during this important season of her life."

In interview with the Catholic Standard, Sister Nancy Downing reflects on her first year leading St. Ann's Center

Inside Look! In interview with the Catholic Standard, Sister Nancy Downing reflects on her first year leading St. Ann's Center.